You would've thought with all the goodbyes I have said in my life I would be used to them. I am not.
By the age of 8, 3 of my best friends had moved away. The last being my best friend in the entire world who often passed as my twin back in the day. Since then I have said goodbye to many more friends as they've all moved away.
In addition to that, I have 2 cousins and an Aunt and Uncle who live in New Zealand. Bearing in mind I live in the UK, it's pretty obvious that there are goodbyes every time they visit that are harder than anything else.
Recently I left Sixth Form and said goodbye to everyone there. I thought the last day was saying goodbye, but I realise now that that wasn't even half of it. The time has come for us to all split up and head our separate ways as we go off to university, and this is the real goodbye, even if it is a temporary one.
Today I went to the beach with my friends as a little goodbye thing for the ones heading off this weekend. We didn't make a big deal about the fact they were going, we just utilised the time we have together.
Saying goodbye to them was just as hard as every goodbye I've said so far.
There's something about goodbyes that even when they're temporary they still fill you with an ache that cannot be compared to anything else. Missing someone is such a unique feeling, and goodbyes feel like a preemptive missing.
I know that we are heading off on our own adventures, but I still hope that our adventures together aren't over yet.
Lucy x
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