The last week has been a complete whirlwind. On 19th September 2015 I packed up my things and moved to University about 2.5 hours away from home. I can't quite express to you how nervous I was doing so and for weeks before that day I tried to find reasons for me to not go. Obviously, deep down I always knew that no matter how terrified I was, I was always going to give it a shot, but when I arrived at registration on my own while my parents went to park the car I was quite literally shaking with nerves. Today is 29th September and I feel absolutely and completely at home here already and have hardly stopped to think about what things are like at home without me.
I have absolutely no doubt that what made the transition so easy is the fact that the people I am sharing a flat with are absolutely wonderful. Initially, when I heard I would be sharing a flat with 13 other people I thought it was way too many and we would never all get on. I was wrong. While we have one post-graduate in a flat full of under-graduate freshers who, understandably, isn't really bothered about being part of our friendship group, the rest of us all get on incredibly well. I quite literally feel like I've gained 4 sisters and 8 brothers within 10 days of knowing them. We are all different people with different interests but there is enough overlap between the group for us all to feel comfortable and at ease with each other. I would imagine its fairly rare to have known a group of people for a week and have a conversation at 2.30am about the meaning of life, but with these people it wasn't even questioned.
While its highly likely that things won't be quite such smooth sailing for the entire year, I am not even slightly worried about sharing a flat with these people. We are a very social flat (one of the main reasons I've not stopped since I got here!) but we also all appreciate a little bit of time on our own at times
, and recognise that sometimes we just don't want to socialise, which is just perfect for me.
Aside from my wonderful flat, all of the people I have met so far in my building are equally brilliant. From the ones I have met at the freshers clubbing events to the ones I have met at lectures and discovered we're from the same building, they are an incredibly diverse group of people which is always interesting to be involved with.
I have also had 2 days of lectures so far and while the majority have been introductions to the course, those which have been actual lectures have been fantastic. With every lecture I sit through I believe more and more that the course I have chosen is right for me.
Despite all of my anxiety towards coming to university and all of the issues with where I would be going, clearly something in the universe wanted me here. I don't think I could have met better people and everything just seems to finally be slotting into place. I have no idea what the next 4 years will involve, but I'm not even a little bit scared about it anymore.
Lucy x
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