There's something about old friends that makes them special. There's something that sets them apart from the newer friends. There's something about being around people who have known you since you were 11, some even longer than that. They know your past and personality and while fresh starts are great, sometimes it's nice to go back to people who not only know you that well but are still willing to be your friend after all that time.
People change and grow and generally evolve. I am most definitely not the same person I was 2 years ago yet when I see people I was friends with then, our new selves still manage to find a way to click right back into place. I remain the new version of me, but I guess if you're friends with someone for years there's always a route back to friendship with them.
While I'm very aware of how much I love my new friends, I really had forgotten how happy the old ones make me too. Ironically, not really the people I was in a 'friendship group' with for my last year of school, but the individuals along the way. As much as I want to forget about 11 year old me for many reasons, the fact that these people willingly accepted me as a friend at that time means a lot.
So here's to the ones who've stuck around.
Liebe Lucy x
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