While this isn't exactly a positive time to capture and remember forever, I thought it might be a time that's interesting to look back on in a few years.
Its exam season. I had 3 AS resit exams from 13th-20th May before leaving school on 21st May for 'study leave'. Study leave is a truly miserable time. To be quite honest, its an achievement these days if I wear anything other than leggings and one of the many hoodies I seem to have acquired over the years emblazoned with the logo of a school I never really liked that much, never mind actually leaving the house. If I do leave the house its never for more than 2 hours and is either to walk to dog or to escape from revision for a bit in the evening before my brain explodes.
Some days are incredibly productive, others...not so much. Today I quite literally tore myself out of bed at 8am determined to get things done in the morning as I've noticed that after lunch time all motivation seems to fizzle out rapidly. While I do think that if I had to keep this up much longer I'd probably actually go insane, I'm all too aware that I just need to keep going for another 2 weeks and then my A-Level exams are out of my hands and I can relax while my future is determined by an examiner.
I'm motivating myself through the use of 'studyblr' which is essentially a side of tumblr that just post pictures of pretty desks and revision notes as well as motivational text posts to keep you going and while it sounds a bit bizarre, at this point whatever keeps me motivated is staying. There's something about seeing someone else's beautiful revision notes that inspires me to get my butt in gear and get working and that's exactly what I need these days. Also as someone who has a visual memory, inspiration to make my notes look nice is always a good thing as it means I'm more likely to retain the information so it's a win win situation.
While I did need to go on emergency bike ride to save myself from insanity last week (I ended up sat at the beach on my own at 9pm on a Thursday night and I don't regret a second of it, I needed it badly) I feel like on the whole I'm coping quite well so far this exam season. We'll see if I still say that in 2 weeks time.
Summary: I hate revision and its a miserable existence, but I'm coping and powering through with the view of a summer of making memories with my friends on the other side to keep me going.
Lucy x