You just realised that 3 years ago last Sunday you uploaded a video to YouTube before you went out shopping with your mum on a whim thinking no one, least of all your friends, would ever find it. 3 years later you still remember the exact moment you received a message from a family friend two years older than you who had somehow found it and posted it to your facebook wall saying 'is this you? Did you write this?' knowing full well the answer to both questions was 'yes'.
What you didn't realise at the time was what a difference that spur of the moment decision on August 3rd 2011 would make. Uploading 'Song For You' started a long journey for you. You went from being a 14 year old girl who wrote songs secretly in her bedroom because she really loved Taylor Swift and wanted to be just like her to someone who realised that actually maybe you could make something of this whole music thing.
You quickly switched YouTube channels to one that was just simply your name to make you seem more professional and since then your videos have been watched more than 12,510 times, adding both channels together. But it did more than that. Uploading that video 3 years ago showed yourself as well as everyone around you that you wanted to be serious about music. You went from a girl who only ever sang in musicals, and even then not very often due to people telling you that you weren't good enough, to a girl who, now three years later, plays gigs on her own, accompanying herself, and getting paid for it. You've taught yourself 3 new instruments, spent a ridiculous amount of money on them and, most importantly, really realised how much you love music. So much so, without it you would be a totally different person.
Past Lucy, if you could see what you're doing today you'd be so proud. If you could see yourself going on a songwriting course run by someone who's worked with Ed Sheeran since he was 17, ironically the age you are now, where you were surrounded by truly incredible people who were so talented you were incredibly inspired by them you wouldn't believe it. Or if you saw yourself up there on stage doing what you love and getting paid for it you'd probably cry with happiness.
You've still got a long way to go with confidence in your music and I hope future Lucy is listening and lets us know how things progress in another year or two. Realising your past self would be incredibly proud of you makes you really realise what's important.
So, past Lucy, I'm glad I've made you proud and I hope I continue to do so. And I'm proud of you for taking that leap of faith in uploading that first video. Without it I honestly don't know who I would be today.
Lucy x
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